Get enterprise-ready AI predictions with a platform enhanced by human expertise in algorithm tuning

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Advanced Reporting
+35% Forecast Accuracy
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Personalized Customer Experience
+25% Conversion Rate
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Predictive Insights for Lead Prioritization and Sales Enablement
+26% cross-selling
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Personalized Marketing Automation
+18% Open Rate
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First-Party Audiences to Optimize Paid Campaigns
+26% Repeated Sales
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Predicted LTV as a Conversion Signal
+30% Lead Quality
Advanced Reporting
+35% Forecast Accuracy
Personalized Customer Experience
+25% Conversion Rate
Predictive Insights for Lead Prioritization and Sales Enablement
+26% cross-selling
Personalized Marketing Automation
+18% Open Rate
First-Party Audiences to Optimize Paid Campaigns
+26% Repeated Sales
Predicted LTV as a Conversion Signal
+30% Lead Quality
First-Party Audiences
to Optimize Paid Campaigns
+26% Repeated Sales
Predictive Action Modeling
for Campaign Optimization
+20% ROAS
Predicted LTV as a Conversion Signal
+30% Lead Quality
Improving Media Paid
+20% Repeated Sales
Increase Engagement
+25% Conversion Rate
Advanced CRM & Strategy
+26% Up-Selling, Cross-Selling

Bytek Prediction Platform

Enrich and connect your data to improve customer insight, deliver personalized experiences, optimize marketing strategies and increase sales.

Built-in AI Models

The platform provides advanced artificial intelligence
models, in SaaS mode, ensuring security, maintenance and efficiency.

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Interests Module

Uses IAB taxonomy and custom classifications to analyze users' browsing patterns, identifying specific interests in products during digital interactions.

AI RFM Clustering

Segments customers based on Recency, Frequency and Monetary value, enabling targeted marketing strategies and customer lifecycle management.

Predictive LTV

Calculates Customer Lifetime Value both historically and predictively to assess and maximize the long-term profitability of customer relationships.

Action Prediction

Predicts the likelihood of a user taking a certain key business action by analyzing CRM transactions, entity data, and online behaviors, assigning scores to prioritize actions and resources.

Platform Features

Bytek Prediction Platform is a modular solution designed to unify, enhance and integrate first-party data, enabling activation across various martech platforms.

Single Customer View

Bytek Prediction Platform centralises all user interaction data with the brand into a unified database, synchronised through advanced cookieless persistent ID technology.

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The platform provides direct connections, APIs, and Dumps to seamlessly integrate with all marketing platforms while ensuring security and a privacy-first approach.

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Human in the Loop

The models are configured by an advanced Data Science team, ensuring up-to-date algorithms and tailored configurations that align with specific business needs.

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Bytek Academy

We explore strategies, technologies, and trends to constantly
enhance our products and promote knowledge dissemination.

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In-depth articles, white papers and research covering AI, data, as well as marketing and sales strategies.

Camilla Varrella
21 Nov

Event-Driven Marketing and AI: strategies to increase conversions and loyalty

Digital Strategies
Luca Ricci
23 Oct

Interest Analysis and AI: customization, automation and reporting to maximise ROI

Valentina Tortolini
30 Sep

Challenges and solutions in using AI to classify user Interests